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Action figure, role play, and plush design for the Jazwares/WCT Pokemon line. 


Hatchimals Families is the latest launch of the hatchimals line that features cute characters, story telling, and new ways to hatch and play.

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Cute characters, pretty playsets, and lots and lots of lovely ladies.

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Retro Roadettes

Vehicles are a girl's ultimate accessory in the Fabulous 50's. Cars, dolls, and playsets designed for girls ages 3+

Sweet scented mini plushies that come with awesome surprises inside a big lolipop! From Moose Toys.

Pikmi pops

Branding and social media management for the Pineapple Rave Squad festival family

Package design for the main sku of Go Yammy Yammy Cupcakes characters.

Go yammy yammy
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